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We are an import, export and wholesale trade company and offer special prices to hotels, restaurants and distributors


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About Us

Established in 1986 in Egypt, San Simon quickly became the premier company in the Middle East for manufacturing wallpapers. Serving as the exclusive supplier for the ten largest retail chains in Egypt, our commitment to quality and innovation set us apart. Our reach extended beyond borders, with exports to over 20 Arab and African countries.

In 1997, driven by a passion for diversification, we expanded into consumer goods, specializing in gifts and event supplies, including Christmas products sourced from the Far East. This strategic move allowed us to capture a substantial share of the Egyptian market, establishing San Simon as the leading company for Christmas products, known for superior quality and unbeatable prices.

In 2013, we embarked on a new chapter, relocating to the United States of America to enter the U.S. market for importing and wholesale. Leveraging our expertise, we secured production lines from one of China’s largest manufacturers for paper  goods, enabling us to launch our own brand of premium paper products, including tissues and cups. San Simon’s offerings boast exceptional quality, maintaining a competitive edge against major retailers like Sam’s Club and Dollar Tree. Our commitment to excellence and affordability remains unwavering as we continue to redefine standards in the industry.

At San Simon, we proudly embrace the motto:

We’re not the only ones, but we’re the best.

This encapsulates our commitment to excellence and the unwavering belief in the superior quality of our products and service.

We work to satisfy
our customers
Our guarantee
satisfy our customers
On the market
37 years
Best quality
cheap price
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